Anti-Müllerian Hormone Test

 In Medical & Health

What is an anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) test?

An anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) test measures the level of AMH in a blood sample. In men, AMH is produced by the testes (or testes), the glands that produce sperm and male hormones. In women, the ovaries produce AMH. Ovaries are glands where eggs are formed and female hormones are produced.

AMH plays different roles in men and women and normal levels of AMH vary depending on your gender and your age. AMH level measurement can provide information about various reproductive health conditions.

What is it used for?

AMH tests are mainly used along with other tests to make decisions about treatment for female infertility (being unable to get pregnant). If you’re undergoing infertility treatment, an AMH test may be done:

Check the number of eggs left in your ovaries. This is referred as your “ovarian reserve.” It is normal for your ovarian reserve to decrease with your age. An AMH test can measure the size of your ovarian reserve, but it cannot determine the health of your eggs or predict whether you will be able to get pregnant.

Estimate your potential response to fertility medication. Normally, your ovaries produce one egg for fertilization each month. If you plan to use in-vitro fertilization (IVF) to have a baby, your healthcare provider will prescribe fertility medicine to help your ovaries produce more eggs at once. The eggs are removed and combined with sperm to make embryos outside of your body. After that, the embryos are either frozen or implanted into the uterus to begin a pregnancy.

Testing your AMH level helps your provider to determine the optimal dosage of fertility medication for you.

In females, AMH testing can also be used to:
Find out if you’re approaching menopause or have already entered it. Your egg production decreases and your levels of AMH decrease as menopause approaches. Checking for premature menopause (before age 40) and early menopause (before age 45) and can be done with AMH levels. However, an AMH test is unable to predict when you’ll actually reach menopause. The menopause typically occurs at age of 52.

Assist in diagnose and monitor ovarian problems that result in elevated AMH levels. These include:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Specific types of ovarian cancer

What do the results mean?

What the AMH test results are depends on the reason being tested:

If you’re healthy and trying to get pregnant, ask your doctor to explain what your AMH test results mean for your fertility based on your age and other test results. In general, a high level of AMH indicates that you have more eggs available, and a low level of AMH indicates your egg supply is decreasing and your time to get pregnant may be shorter.

If you have been tested for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) , a high level of AMH is a possible sign that you have the disease. PCOS cannot be diagnosed with an AMH test alone. There is no cure for PCOS, but symptoms can be controlled with medications and/or alternations in lifestyle.

If you are tested for menopause , a low level of AMH indicates that you’re getting close to menopause. However, an AMH test can’t predict the exact time till menopause. If the test result showed no AMH in blood, it means you are in menopause. If you have menopausal symptoms and you’re younger than age 40, lower AMH level than normal for your age may indicate primary ovarian insufficiency
If you are being treated for ovarian cancer, a decrease in AMH usually indicates that your treatment is working. If AMH rises, it means your treatment isn’t working or cancer has returned.

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